
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final post for Christmas

Today I finally unpacked our most treasured decorations. These are gifts that have been given to us from our family some who are no longer with us...  I am honored they shared their love of Christmas with us.    

This china was passed down from my husband's Aunt..  I adore it!

dessert plate

Two sets of cups

I added a thrift store tea pitcher to the set. I paid a whole $3.00 for it this week. Gotta love that!
   These cups are simple... but take a look inside.

cute huh?

Looks so much like a story book illustration.

The table
Another gift from my cousin.. doesn't she have the most gorgeous face? Thank you Connie.. The green china is from my father in law.. I will do some pics of it later.. I love it.. good story behind the gift.

Made by Connie Tognoli

One of the original.. I like him better than the new guys.

Painted in 1977. She is so beautiful to me.

Well that are my post for Christmas.. I am waiting for my second new granddaughter in as little as two weeks. Hopefully I will soon be too busy rocking to post for a while..  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa's here y'all!

Wanted to get some pics of my favorite Santa's.. I love this blog thing, it's like a photo album but fun.. No one is forced to look at pics but they are there if you want to take a look.. I hope you enjoy these guys as much as I do.

This Santa was a ceramic project that I painted in the 70's. He needs some touch ups but I don't have the heart to alter him.  I still can't believe I painted him although I think I remember writing colors on him in pencil to replicate the display.. guess that would pretty much verify I am not an artist

Dear Santa

This guy is lovely to me. A local man (Newton Prince) acutally carved this santa and sold them.. he is made from the mold of the original carving. It is dated 1987.

Another look..

This one is a knockoff of an original somewhere.. I loved his green outfit.. from the 90's  

To cold for no shoes

This guy is holding his shoes and is barefoot. A gift from sister in law, thanks Rhonda. (Dept 56)
Don't these look like brother Santa's?

Birthday Present this year.. (Mark Roberts)

A handcrafted gift from doll artist and my talented cousin Connie Tognoli. She made him expecially for me.. can you tell I like to sew?

Santa is everywhere .. hubby and I went thru the dive thru at Mc'D's on Sunday with our four year old granddaughter and guess who was in the Buick in front of us? You guessed it, SANTA... oh course sweetie girl wanted to know why Santa was not on his sleigh.   

Monday, December 6, 2010

Decorating for Christmas

So I finally made some progress in decorating for Christmas. The kitchen is done. I started decorating a tree for the kitchen when my oldest granddaughter was two. I had always wanted to have a tree in the kitchen with sweets. Grandchildren have given me the incentive to do some things I have put off for years. What a wonderful memory this will be for her one day. The baker..
(from Khols)

I love these glass ornaments of candy.. We lost a few last year..

Cute isn't he?

I wrote a note on the bottom of this one for my granddaughter documenting the first Christmas we baked together. 
The Pillsbury dough boy! I love his shaker.

Another baker (again from Khols) got him 1/2 off. Gotta love that 
My latest Santa, found at Home Goods this year.. love the vintage look

View of my hutch.. Pottery went up when the grands came along. The evil looking Santa has been around for over 16 years.I painted this one over 10 years ago

Closeup of the pottery.. I love it because my husband has bought it for me on trips.

Find at Crate and Barrel is perfect for the tree.. the table runner I usually make but for 12.95 at Home Goods I decided to pass all that work.  
Thanks for the visit. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving & Green Stamps

  • Just one little pic of the table at Thanksgiving.. not much but pretty good for the day my daughter came home from the hospital after a c-section. The glasses were a find in my own attic.. I bought them w/ green stamps, yes anyone remember green stamps?