
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Little Find and Flowers

I have been missing in action for a couple of weeks because I went back to work full time. (against my better judgement, I was loving staying at home) I really was hoping to win the lottery before I had to go back, but I guess that does require acutally playing the lottery. Anyway that didn't work out so back to work I went, whining the whole way.
Working full time has been a huge challenge. I have had not worked full time for over 9 years! I had a three day weekend so I found the time to sneak in a little trip to the thrift store. I found a wondeful white vase that I wanted to share with you mainly, because of what I put in it. These hydrangeas came from a couple of bushes that are in their second year and boy do they have gorgeous flowers. One has the most beautiful blue and the other is purplish blue. (is that a word?) I have another that has pink blooms but, I didn't pick any of those before the heat got to them. We have already reached the high 90's! A fourth bush doesn't have blooms yet, just buds. I am hoping for a pretty color on that one. Since I can't remember what I planted it will be a nice surprise. 
I went against the golden rule I took these pics at dusk.
I paid $7.00 for the vase which, is a little high but it still had a sticker for $29 so not too shabby. 

So Vivian at  says you can dry these babies by putting them in water and leaving them until the water evaporates. (Giving credit) Thanks Vivian, I sure hope this method works because I think these are beautiful.
Want to share two more pics totally unrelated to the vase. These are a new Rudbeckia or aka Lazy Susan. This is the first year for these guys so the next two years they will most likely be fabulous!
These guys are pretty big. I have loads of another type (not yet blooming) but they are no this pretty or large.

Hope you enjoyed this little bit of eye candy. Have a great week! So glad you stopped by, I am missing you guys!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Laundry Room Makeover

I never thought of a laundry room as a place to decorate before I started blogging. Whew that looks bad.. bet a prison laundry room is more interesting.
Blogging has given me the opportunity to enjoy some wonderful makeovers posted by so many of you. I have been inspired to update something in every room of my house. I recently got an itch to redo the laundry room. Hubby helped me out, OK, OK, he did everything but hang the pics. But I was the brains! Now my laundry room is tiny, so don't get all excited. This will be a quick down and dirty before and after. It is the size of a small closet. We added on to the back of the house a few years ago and I had the choice of having more room in the laundry area or having a very large pantry.. I choose the pantry. (I wish I had known back then we would redo the kitchen) I had no cabinets to speak of before the kitchen redo. You can see the kitchen project here
 We had this cabinet, it is one of those cheap-o's you can get at a home improvement stores. Stark white and no detail. Hey it holds supplies great.
So I asked hubby to add on some molding and help me re-do the room. His response, "it's a laundry room".  Don't ask why I let a response like that surprise me after 30 some years of marriage? So sweet guy did it for me. (Probably because he didn't want to hear me go on and on about how that room was important to me) I really do have a wonderful husband who will do most anything he can to make me happy.
He also gave the cabinet a coat of off white paint. You can't really see the difference in the colors but it is a better color. I bought pulls but not sure if they will work since the trim goes all the way to the edge. What do you think?
This is a cabinet from the same store.. we actually used it for extra storage for years in the kitchen. It got a new coat of paint and some new pulls.. So much better!
How cute are these pics? I picked them up at the thrift store last week for under $10 for both. Didn't even have to paint the frames!  

I think they look so cute in there. I love me some roosters and chickens. 

I found the picture over the cloth baskets at the thrift store a while back for $8, they came from Walmart..  hubby put a shelf up for me to put them on..they made a great place to store socks, some receipts and odds and ends. Also found the large wicke laundry basket at GW. I think it was $5. A great place for all my hangers. Hubby put a counter top on top of the washer dryer .. nice.
A close up of the pic and my mess in the baskets.
The washboard , yep thrift store.. $10. I love the wear on it.   

This room is so small I had to stand outside of the door to get these pics. Last look


I know it is not Better Homes and Gardens (they have a larger budget than mine) but,  better don't you think? I now make an effort to keep my laundry caught up and keep the room clean. 
 Thanks for the inspiration!
So glad you stopped by. 
Linking to these paties.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A New House!

This little guy is one of the many birds that frequent my yard these days. I love birds, don't you? The mixture of flowers and the water in my yard have attracted so many birds this spring. The birds love my fountain.. Hubby bought it for me for my last birthday. I totally love it. You should see the baths that take place in
it... It is the birdie spa of the neighborhood.
If you follow my blog you know I have had my hopes on a new bird house. Well, Hubby was sweet this year and bought me one for Mother's Day. No he is not one of those guys that just goes out and buys things I mention... I tell him what I want and ask him to take a ride with me to pick it up.. I think he thinks it is easier than figuring things out on his own. However, he did go pick out the birdbath and buy it on his own.. I think he did a great job.  I am so excited to have this new bird house. I have wanted one with a cooper roof for years.  
Isn't it a beauty? 
He put it up in my new garden I just planted this spring. It looks a little sparse in this garden for now. I have learned that if I plant it to look full when I establish it, I will soon need to thin it out. I have spent hours moving plants this year. So I took it easy on this garden. The first year perennials don't do much at all, the second year they do a little, but the third year they go crazy! You need to be patient with perennials but it is so worth it not to have to plant everything new every year.  
 I'll bet the new housing unit is what the big fight with the blue jays was all about yesterday.. just kidding. 
Of course I had to add a bunny at the bottom, you know I have a thing for bunnies.. I now have 4 in my yard. 
This little flag is on the side of the entrance to the back yardI think the birds think it is a welcome sign for them!
This birdcage is placed to the right of the bench.
So now all the birds feel more than welcome.. although I think they steer clear of the birdcage..
kind of like a birdie jail.

This little bird house has been in the front yard for years.. Hubby rebuilt it last year because the wood was rotting. Notice the top? Yeah.. I will get to that. 
This bunny, the pinks and clematis are below the birdhouse. It is a new clematis.. I killed a gorgeous established one 2 years ago with weed killer.. by accident. Yuck! 

Speaking of clematis.. this one has flowers the size of a plate! It is growing on the side of my screened in
porch. it was so heavy it feel off. Hubs got me a new trellis and we placed in back. Isn't it pretty?   

Anyway I do love birds.. Every morning I get to hear them sing to me. There is a downside to birds...
See that spot on the chair arm? Yep it is not a spot on the lens..
take a look at this light fixture.. remember the birdhouse roof? 
 and they love my car.. honestly everyday it has been a mess. But all in all it is worth it.
As long as they keep singing and looking pretty, I will deal with the mess.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will leave a comment to let me know you visit.
I do enjoy meeting so many wonderful people.
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