
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Finally using my Chalk Paint!

Finally, I got a little time to try out Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint! I went over to my daughter's after work and waxed her table and chairs her husband had painted with Chalk Paint and it turned out so pretty I decided to do something for me. So, I tackled probably the most difficult thing in the house. I found this little plant stand at GW for $10 I think. 
I think it is a beautiful piece but wanted to lighten up my living room a little
When I got started I couldn't stop! I wanted to splash some paint on everything.. good thing I didn't have more time. 
I called hubby in to look at the top to decide if I should paint the top or leave it. Being the the sweet guy he is, he took the whole thing apart  to fix the gaps. He thinks the top is not original because it was never nailed down properly. Boy, am I glad someone put this one on it. I love it.  
I think I am going to keep it and stain it again. Yep, I see the stains and chips.. doesn't bother me. I just can't paint over that inlay, love  the look of the wood and paint together
It is drying from glue so I didn't get to finish it. I think I may order the Annie Sloan clear wax before I finish. I love the consistency of her dark wax so much more than the clear wax I bought at the big box store.
I did get this little stool finished. A patient I did private duty for in the early 80's, made this. He gave it to me before he passed, so it has a special meaning to me. 
Petty dinged up but I love it that way. Love the way this paint sands off! I use this stool beside my bed to give me a boost up.
I am really slow to post these days as I am putting in a lot of hours with my new job. I noticed I lost one of my followers.. hate that.. so if you don't hear from me as usual please hang with me. I am over half way thru my time to be able to work from home. I can't wait!
Hope to get my finished projects up soon .. still going to tackle that hutch! 
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week and if you are in N.C. stay inside, another hot one. 

Joining the parties at:


Friday, July 15, 2011

What the hay??

So last weekend hubs came in from doing his yard work talking about some "lizard thing" that he and our neighbor had found in the road in front of our house. Hubs, " didn't look real but it had stuff running out of his eyes, so I know it must be real!" Me, yep. Hubs, "But it must be real, it has stuff running out of it's eyes, it was huge, but I wonder if it was fake!" "It's a pretty big size."  Me, uh huh. Well the neighbor just sent me a pic of it! Whew weee.. maybe I better start listening to him a little more.

What the hay???
Have you ever in your life? Now I am creeped out to garden! Now mind you, we live in N.C. not in some tropical area.

I know it pitiful that this got run over, but really,
 it is scary to think this was roaming the neighborhood. 
So I am thinking that someone let their pet out.. but here's a thought.. I hope it didn't have babies! Have great weekend. I don't plan on being in the garden this weekend now. YUCK!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bed Room Finished, Maybe

Remember the pic I found at the Thrift Store?
I thought it would be perfect in the master bedroom. You know how things snowball when you start with one thing and it leads to another?
Well then I found these cuties for $2 each at GW.
I know they were meant for the kitchen but I thought the colors were great in the bedroom.  
Then I needed some brown with texture.. so I made this pillow out of burlap.. so cheap but  boy is it a mess to sew! But, the pillow is great. 

  Then I needed some contrast to tie it in.. so I used painters cloth and stenciled this design that brought in the coffee pics.
Then I needed a Pinkie and Blue Boy I found on ebay.. the frames were that 50's old gold so I gave them a little coat of off white to go w/ everything else. (I love Pinky and Blue Boy) as you will see.
I adore them. ...

Then came the drapes I made to match the bedspread.
My camera has not been well.. but the color in the spread coordinates w/ the turquoise drapes and they are trimmed in brown. BTW my walls do not have a pink hue, just a beige.
The lamps have a bluish background and are brown w/ brown burlap. Just sat my new frames up and haven't had a chance to put in pics. Of course I pulled out a vintage church fan I have had for years.

Then came the cream of the crop for me.. I am so excited!!!

Blue Boy!!! I found this one at my thrift store for $12.99, and it is wonderful. I think it is from the 50's or 60's. It is beautiful. My Mom had Pinky and Blue Boy hanging in our home when I was a little girl. I am still looking for Pinky. I sure can't get it on ebay.. wayyy too expensive for me.
Isn't he great?
It is textured on hardboard.. I love him.
Finally, I wanted to show you a pic I found at HG last week when I got the sheep and hog.. for only $12.99 for real! The pic is on burlap like fabric and is huge.. I couldn't believe it. It has a little blue in it which my camera didn't catch.. so, I thought I would put it on an empty wall in the BR. And you know what that will start.. yep here I go w/ doing the bathroom over (which it so needs.)

As promised I would pick a winner for my giveaway tonight.. and the winner is...
Kirsten @ Mushki Loves..
Kirsten please send me an email and I will get your
cookbook out to you. 
Thanks to everyone that has joined my blog.. how great it has been to have the privileged to meet such great people.. there is a lot of talent out there.. I mean a lot!
 Hope you have a great weekend.
yep, got to look into the camera thing..

Sharing at

Kim's great party at 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Are These French Country or Country?

Hope had a great 4th. Somehow every holiday lately I end up a little tired, since we usually have the family functions at our house. Still, I love having the family.
Since it was a long weekend, when I got off work Friday, I thought  I would stop at Home Goods. Just in case they had something I needed. Well of course they did..  

A hog and a sheep! Don't you just love them? My question is this, are these Country or French Country. I prefer to think of them as Country French.. or is it French Country? I thought my girls would hate them but to my surpise the loved them! (That would lead me to believe they are not country) I really thought I would get that look and then a, "mommm" but nope.. they actually loved them. You have to love Home Goods for $20 a piece for a hog and a sheep. 
I had a little trouble figuring out where to put them but think I found a good spot. For now, they are setttled in beside the hutch.. yep the hutch.. I am still waiting for Chalk Paint to arrive for.
So what do you think? French Country, Country French or just plain Country? Do you ever stop in HG to find something you need?  
Don't forget to enter the giveaway ending July 9th here

Joining the Party at

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Celebration Giveaway!

 Happy Fourth and a Giveaway!

I am a little late, but I wanted to show my appreciation to all of you for being so supportive to my blog. Soooo  ... lets have a giveaway! Finally, I made it past 100 followers! whew.. 

 What better way to celebrate a giveaway on independence week than an American Eagle? 

I hope you like old cookbooks!
There are three ways to enter. 

 1- Leave me a comment and let me know you are a follower.

2- Share the contest on your blog and leave a link back to my blog. 

3- Become a follower and leave me a message you did. 
If you enter 3 times please leave 3 comments to increase your chances of winning.

Good Luck and Happy Fourth!
I will use random generator to pick a winner.
I will close the contest on July 9th.

Sharing this party w/ my friends who have wonderful blogs.. you want to give them a visit if you haven't, great stuff!