
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yum Fall!


So my daughters and I start the fall season every year by making pumpkin bread. I made it using a variation of a recipe I have had since the 70's. I think it turned out delicious and moist. It is an easy recipe and makes two loaves. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Bread

Pre heat oven to 350

1 can pumpkin
4 eggs
1 cup veg oil
2/3 cups of water
3 1/2 cups of self rising flour
3 cups of sugar
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 teap nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 allspice
1/2 tsp cloves

Mix pumpkin, eggs, oil, water and sugar until mixed. Wisk together dry ingredients. Add dry ingredients to wet mixture slowly until well mixed. Do not over beat.  Spray pan two loaf pans with non stick spray and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake for 50 mins until center comes out clean when toothpick inserted.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Out with the old in with the new

So I survived the yard sale. No spiders, but found a huge bug in a cup.. gave my husband a heart attack with my scream. Now I can officially say I absolutely hate a yard sale..the husband wants to have another next weekend. Guess we might as well finish off this project since we have it started. This will be my last yard sale for about the next 10 years. It is always good to get rid of junk in the house.. unless you are like me and go straight out and buy some more junk.. but it is cute junk... I am thinking about starting a new collection.. hey maybe I better get rid of those old gnomes next weekend.. The wonderful part of the day.. spending time with family.. even in the midst of getting rid of junk, I enjoy family.

Friday, October 15, 2010


 So happy Friday everyone! I am busy getting ready for a yard sale. Can't decide if that is a good or bad thing. Good, for the fact that we will be getting rid of loads of junk and making some extra money. Yuck, because everything has to be dug out of its resting grounds, cleaned and labeled. You can't believe the extra stuff I have found and I haven't even went into the attic yet! I have stuff in the attic from when the kids  were in college, hey, wait a minute.. I think there is stuff up there from middle school. Wonder if some of the stuff will fall apart when I lift it up? You know dry rot? Another yuck factor is ... spiders, I HATE spiders! I seem to always run up on one of those creepy things when I am digging out. You know they will be hid out in the garage and the attic, EWWW! My sister in law just told me that while my brother was tearing out a floor board, a whole bunch of spiders came running out! SUPER CREEPY. Of course that put my phobia in high gear. I think I would have had a heart attack. So anyway, shake it off girl, whew. I am trying to decide what to do with the extra money. What I would really like to do is go to the mountains next weekend. The mountains in NC are just beautiful, espeically this time of year. But, all that depends on how much money I can make. And that depends on how deep back in the attic dear husband is willing to dig out.  So anyway, no pics of the garage sale mess. Guess I better get back to work... see why? You guys have a great weekend!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Faith and Baby Showers

I am the grandmother of a wonderful little girl and boy. Both by my oldest daughter. Several months ago I learned I would have two more granddaughters. Yes, two! Both my daughters are expecting sweet little girls within two weeks of each other. My oldest daughter wanted to host a baby shower for her little sister at my house, makes sense, I have more room. The morning of the shower I get a call from daughter, my precious granddaughter was sick, she had to go to the hospital. I sat down and cried.. not for the shower but for the fact I cannot stand the thought of my sweet granddaughter going to the hospital. My granddaughter has cystic fibrosis so we never know if a mild illness will end up being a long hospital stay... How could I put on a pleasant face and throw a shower knowing my granddaughter was going to be in the hospital? ...How could I do this alone? Suddenly I remember what a bible study teacher had told me years ago, "thank the Lord before it happens".. so that is what I did. A feeling of peace came over me, I got up and started to get the house ready.. The thought of my granddaughter still nagged me somewhat, but a calm I could not explain remained with me that morning. Suddenly when I was  finishing everything up (with the help of a wonderful husband) the phone rang, "she  is coming home" said the voice on the other end.. a miracle? maybe not to you, but it sure was to me.. and the shower? probably the prettiest event I ever held. My granddaughter was able to come and had a blast, she even jumped into a large gift bag while my daughter was opening gifts.. wish we had a pic of that. I think I have leaned to start thanking the Lord before anything happens.. I think it is called FAITH, something I need more of.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Rabbits again.

Added the babies initials on jars of candy

What a cupcake stand, love it!

Babies initals on banner made to match the runners.
Thanks for taking a look.
50th Table Top Tuesday take a look I think you will love it!
I am linking to

Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome Fall

Rabbit peaking out of mums
  When I was young I swore I would leave the south for big city living. Surely I would not remain here. I would move up north, maybe even California. What did the south have to offer me? Now at 54, I realize I realize what it had to offer me. The south must be one of the greatest places God ever created. One of the wonderful things about southern living is watching the seasons change. Although there is something about every season that I love, the fall is probably my favorite season. I love the colors of the leaves when they change, the nip in the air, the smell of burning leaves and the holidays.. yep fall is probably my favorite time of the year.

Did I forget to mention that I love rabbits any time of year?

Another rabbit with cabbage plants sitting at the back door. How did the rabbits get broken ears? My dear husband likes to see how fast he can go on his riding lawn mower, do I need to say more?

Pumpkins are the perfect addition to fall. Sitting on the front porch. I was going to make a topiary but chickened out. I may give it a try later.
These sit at a quiet spot at the back door.

Made this wreath after seeing the one my oldest daughter has.

A sign to welcome soon to visit trick or treaters..

Love the vintage look
Don't know exactly what type of tree this is but aren't the berries in the fall pretty?