
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Faith and Baby Showers

I am the grandmother of a wonderful little girl and boy. Both by my oldest daughter. Several months ago I learned I would have two more granddaughters. Yes, two! Both my daughters are expecting sweet little girls within two weeks of each other. My oldest daughter wanted to host a baby shower for her little sister at my house, makes sense, I have more room. The morning of the shower I get a call from daughter, my precious granddaughter was sick, she had to go to the hospital. I sat down and cried.. not for the shower but for the fact I cannot stand the thought of my sweet granddaughter going to the hospital. My granddaughter has cystic fibrosis so we never know if a mild illness will end up being a long hospital stay... How could I put on a pleasant face and throw a shower knowing my granddaughter was going to be in the hospital? ...How could I do this alone? Suddenly I remember what a bible study teacher had told me years ago, "thank the Lord before it happens".. so that is what I did. A feeling of peace came over me, I got up and started to get the house ready.. The thought of my granddaughter still nagged me somewhat, but a calm I could not explain remained with me that morning. Suddenly when I was  finishing everything up (with the help of a wonderful husband) the phone rang, "she  is coming home" said the voice on the other end.. a miracle? maybe not to you, but it sure was to me.. and the shower? probably the prettiest event I ever held. My granddaughter was able to come and had a blast, she even jumped into a large gift bag while my daughter was opening gifts.. wish we had a pic of that. I think I have leaned to start thanking the Lord before anything happens.. I think it is called FAITH, something I need more of.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Rabbits again.

Added the babies initials on jars of candy

What a cupcake stand, love it!

Babies initals on banner made to match the runners.
Thanks for taking a look.
50th Table Top Tuesday take a look I think you will love it!
I am linking to

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