
Friday, February 25, 2011

Looking for Spring

I am finally back.. I don't know about you, but I am more than ready for spring. My dear 4 year old granddaughter just spent two weeks in the hospital .. Seems that all the viruses start thinning out out once spring arrives. I sure hope so.
While getting ready for spring and moving things around (you know how spring makes you want to rearrange things in your house to get a fresh look? ).. anyway I ran across these old binoculars and thought they were perfect to remind me the birds should be coming home soon. The case is very worn probably because of they were pulled out so often. Don't you think because someone loved using them long ago? .. The pocket watch, binoculars and pocket knife were passed down in my husband's family with no story.. What we do know is my husband's great grandfather sold locomotives all over the world in the 1800's and early 1900's. He passed away  from a heart attack running to catch a train in 1920....for those of you not from the South.. passed away is what Southerners say when someone dies... don't ask me why... guess it sounds less harsh.

I love the worn look on everything.. that's part of the story I think.. I wish we could have an instant replay of what he saw with those binoculars.. He must have used them often traveling the world.

Why did I ever let items like these sit in a drawer? Every item tells a story... maybe I have just starting thinking differently since I have gotten a little older, mature. See the scratching on the inside of the pocket watch case?. I would imagine my husband's grandfather decided to sign his name in it. (he was an only child so it is a pretty safe bet he did it) How do you think it got there, any ideas?..

Here is the outside of the pocket watch..  can't you imagine him riding the trains, checking the time and watching the view with his binoculars?  Wonder if he check the time on his last run to catch the train? What a life he must have had. If only old items could talk.. but they do kind of tell us a story don't they?

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  1. Oh I love these items! I have my great-grandfathers glasses on display, they are very meaningful to me. I think it's important to keep items like this out to remind us of our heritage. Thank you so much for linking up to Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence. I hope you will link back up soon with more inspiring posts like this!

    Heather@At The Picket Fence

  2. What a wonderfu treasure you have there. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  3. What a gorgeous vignette. The pocket watch is such a wonderful piece. You're so fortunate to have it. Thanks ao much for linking up with VIF.(And I'm a southerner, even though we're here in the midwest)!

  4. What wonderful pictures.....and it is great that you have such wonderful family pieces to enjoy! Thanks for following my blog and I am now following you as well.

  5. Thank you guys so very much. I appreciate your joing me.. I really enjoy following your blogs.

  6. Good morning, Beverly!

    Lovely pieces you have and lovely blog too! Happy to hear your little granddaughter if doing better.

    I have enjoyed perusing several of your posts. Loved the gorgeous princess dresses you made for that dear little one.

    So nice stopping by to visit with you!
    Kindly, Lorraine

    ps we use the phrase, 'passed away' here in the north too.

  7. What a neat pocket watch- happy things are better for your family too. Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! :)
