
Friday, February 4, 2011

Saving Memories and adding Valentines

I am not a sophisticated blogger by no means. I blog to take my mind off realities of life. It forces me to  think about other things. It would be easy to stop now but I promised myself I would not quit.. (hope that works out.)
 Historically Hubby and I are not a Valentine people, never have been .. is that pitiful? This week I decided I wanted to decorate for the occasion. Searched high and low in my favorite shop Home Goods  and ...nothing.. Finally I did find some vintage downloads on Etsy that I loved. Got Hubby to downloaded them for me .. big mistake.. "how many on a sheet, what are they for?" And the standard question, "did you pay for those?" Yes, they were only around $4.00 so I think I am safe. So I got out my glitter glue and started decorating. This is how they looked before.

Four to a sheet, pretty but doesn't glitter always help things? I stayed on the lite side with the glitter,  not easy for me. I also used a stamp, since my penmanship is not so great. I have seen some of yours on blog land that is unbelievable.
Here are some little tags I bought from another site. Just cut them out added card stock on the back, then glittered them up.

They look cute tied on things.

Back to the faux postcards.
I walked around the house with them for 30 minutes last night. Nothing worked. It was still bugging me today and suddenly I remembered the box of "junk" as I called when Hubby brought it home from his Aunt's estate this past summer. YES! I am soooo glad I didn't get rid of it. I love the pen. There with it was a box of tips.. While I was digging thru the treasure box, notice the name change? I found the watch and glasses.


Looks like a step back in time doesn't it? Makes me wonder about the person who used the items so many years ago. I wonder if they wrote love letters. Maybe they were Valentine people.

Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear from you guys.
Have a good weekend.
I am Joining the Parties at

Feathered Nest Friday

 Flaunt it Friday
and to

Show and tell Friday


  1. Lovin' those sweet little tags:) Also love those neat old glasses and the watch!


  2. Thank you Linda, it is so encouraging to hear from someone with a wonderful blog like yours.

  3. ooooh lovely, and what wonderful finds in the junk box!! junk is never really junk, is it? :)

  4. Darling, darling tags and loving that watch! So pretty- thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  5. It was fun to read the path you took to get your Valentine's Day look on. I loved how you ended ... "maybe they were Valentine people..." Perfect ending. Don't give up on your blog. I understand how you feel. It's time consuming. But it cheaper than therapy, I always say! I'm your newest follower and I hope you come visit and follow me too. You might want to check out Homemaker on a Dime's Followers Swap Party:

    The link is still open and I was delighted to stumble upon it myself last week. Simple premise: you follow them, they follow you. It's great.

    Good luck and I love your treasures and tags. Great job!

  6. Thanks for following me at Cottage and Creek! I've just nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award. You deserve it - your blog is lovely! Should you choose to accept the award, you can read about how to do it as well as grab the button for your blog from my post:

    Congratulations and Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Beverley, I love your blog, your treasures and Valentine tags are right up my alley. I can't wait to see what you post next, count me in as a new follower.

  8. Hi, Beverly! I'm your 16th follower :) Thank you for linking up with our Swap Followings Linky Party. Please join us Monday at 5 pm next week and you'll meet the other fabulous bloggers. Hope you won't quit blogging because meeting other bloggers, especially the ones who link up in our party, opens up a whole new world worthy of exploration. I wanna learn more about what you'll blog which "is dedicated to the beauty of life and southern living."

  9. Hi Beverly, I am so glad you visited me so I was able to find your lovely blog. The download is gorgeous and I love the tags you made. The stuff from your husband's aunt is wonderful displayed with the postcards. I am now following you!

  10. Your tags are darling, but your props work so well for your photos. Bravo! Your mention of your hubby and valentines made me laugh. The other day mine said to me, "Remind me, is Valentines Day one of those things we celebrate or not?"

  11. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I am going to be away for another week at least.. staying with dear grandaughter in the hospital. We hope to be home soon.
