
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I have been working like a maniac this spring to increase my garden spaces. I know it will take a couple of months to see fruits from my labor but it will be worth it. Meanwhile, I am pretty happy with my flowers planted in previous years and wanted to share some of them with you. I know I don't have a perfect garden but I love it. I love getting out there and digging around in the dirt.
Some of my knockout Roses.. love those things. 
 A closer view with the Catnip in the pic.
The other side of the walk.. see the bunny peaking out? If you follow my blog you already know I love bunnies.. they are not just for Easter for me. This Iris is purple and yellow.. a beauty.
More roses and catnip.. I think they make a wonderful combination.

Clematis, catnip, iris and roses at hubby's shed.. he still doesn't understand "prettying up his shed". 
I have to get in there and dig the iris up to move when the blooms die. Ouch!
The other side is full of light peach colored iris and a couple of the yellow. More to move.   

Some white..
I think these are a salvia.  
some new blue.. hope they do well in NC..
My first pink hydrangea.. the other's are blue and have not bloomed yet.
This is a new area I planted recently. I can't wait to see all the flowers bloom. Yep, another bunny. I planted some catnip, a Carmelia and lavender in the far bed. I just planted the magnolia.. my third try. I am going to baby this thing sooo much. I really want one.. this one is suppose to get to 4x5 which is small. Smells heavenly out there.  We just put down mulch but I am going to have to add more since the heavy storms.  
Another bed.. I will show you later.. not happy with it now. Went today to get something to replace the pansies which, have not done well.. I will move them somewhere else. I have learned a lot of moving goes into a garden. These are the wave petunias which are suppose to spread and multiply well. Oops, glad I took this pic.. can't put it that close to the catnip.. yep I have a lot of catnip, it is such a pretty filler.
I forgot what this green one is called but it was only suppose to live for one season.. I moved it inside until the frost was over. Last year it had a long tall stem w/ a beautiful white flower on it. Hope it makes it.
Something sweet about new blooms, don't you think. I wish I could get a pic of the giant bee that buzzes around the gardens all day everyday. He is huge.  
Hope you enjoyed my little garden.. I know it is not much but coming from doing nothing at all for years, I am pretty proud of it.Thanks for stopping by, please leave a message. I love to go back and see what you are up to in return.

Linking to these great blogs.. check them all out if you haven't. They are fantastic.


  1. Your garden is just lovely, Beverly! The knockout roses are just fabulous, I am not very good with roses! I do grow clematis at our lakehouse and it does very well there. Your iris are stunning! It looks like you put a lot of work into gardening. I do, too. I'm just waiting for the rain to stop!!

    We are visiting North Carolina in a few weeks and I am very excited. Are you near Asheville?

    Have a wonderful week!


  2. Oh yes! Everything is looking so pretty! I love the knock out roses too. I also have some and man those things bloom like crazy.

  3. Oh my word, I think your yard is stunning. I love all of your beautiful flowers. I also really like the curved beds. Living in the desert it is so hard for most things to grow, so I drool over all the variety that you have. So pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  4. hi! i'm your 'next door linky' & i'm amazed how much your flowers are in my gardens. & i love knockout roses as well...seeing yours makes me eager for mine!

  5. Your garden is stunning! Your roses look amazing. It looks like you have a very large garden full of beauty.


  6. Your garden is beautiful!! Boy do the roses (and every other plant *winks*) love you! I'm GREEN over your green thumb! Vanna

  7. Thanks guys.. hubs just looked at my blog and said "why in the world didn't you put up the hose"? ha.. I said b/c I live here.

  8. You have a beautiful garden! I love Knockout Roses too! You do have a green thumb.
    I leave the hose out too in our back yard ... I hate to roll it up!

  9. That is just beautiful!!! Love all your flowers! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Beverly, it all looks fantastic. Your knockout roses are gorgeous. We just planted two knockout roses last Autumn. Our rose beds are all hybrid teas.

    I love the catnip, and I had never thought to plant it. We have some work to do with our iris bed, too. It needs to be thinned out a bit.

  11. Wow... did I say, wow?!! Your garden is so cheerful! I love the climbing clematis and knockout roses. Glad to see that I'm not the only one with a bunny fetish. I would spend every free minute in your garden! Love it!

  12. Beautiful gardens Beverly, we're still looking for spring here in Michigan. I'm glad you shared your's today.

  13. Your garden in gorgeous - so full of colour. It definitely brightened up a very grey day here in South Africa. x Sharon

  14. Oh my! Your garden is just beautiful!!! Thanks for the stroll, enjoyed every picture!!!

  15. Your garden is amazing, Beverly. Your combinations look great and your blossoms are gorgeous. I wish I had the interest in my yard.

  16. Beautiful!!!!
    Kristy @ 4 the love of WOOD

  17. Wow, you have a wonderful garden for it to be so early in the season. My mom and I haven't even started on our garden, but when the weather clears up, I'll enjoy getting out there.

  18. Beverly, Oh my, your garden is beautiful!! I love your plant combinations.. the clematis, catnip and iris with the knockout roses. Great combinations. I'm going to try catnip. It really is a pretty filler. You asked me aboutthe iris.. they're Japanese iris and pretty small compared to the bearded ones. The "peonies" are actually David Austin roses. Yellow is Teasing Georgia and I forget the other one right now. Had it forever. They have so many petals they sometimes look like peonies only smaller. I really need to fertilize them, poor things.
    Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.

  19. Beverly, your garden is wonderful! I love the rabbit, I love the fountain, I love the walkway....beautiful!

  20. Your garden looks so lovely! The peach iris are truly unique! I haven't seen that color before. I haven't tried catnip in my garden but after seeing all the great way you use it you garden, I think I'm going to get some this season. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and I love your fountain!! Amazing :D

  21. Hi, Beverly! I'm admiring all your creative projects here so can you please share them with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? I hope to see you there at the party :)

  22. Beautiful garden! i love all the variety. I am sooooo envious of the bearded iris. They don't grow well in Savannah. I also cannot grow roses, that is why I enjoy our Rose Festival so much. I can kill a rose just by walking by. So far I have killed 4 knockout roses. Yours are so beautiful. Do you do anything special to them?
    Thanks for visiting my little garden.
    Have a great week. Ginger:)

  23. Love the irises! What is the name of the yellow ones? You have done a wonderful job! Yes, it is intimadating to post photos of a new garden when there are so many wonderful established garden photos out there but wow yours looks wonderful!

  24. Hi Beverly, I am your newest follower! I was visiting from Candy's fab blog, Little Round Table, and now I fell in love with your garden. The flowers are so beautiful, I hope your magnolia blooms where it is planted!! I love the South and have cousins in Virginia and North Carolina. xo,
