
Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Bad Idea Turned Good

Today out of the blue I said to hubby, " you want to got to the flea market with me?" Hubs, "No." But not using good judgement, I talked him into the trip. What was I thinking? It was hot as blue blazes today and would be even hotter at the flea market because it is set up on black asphalt. The purpose of the trip was to find something pretty to hang on Hubby's shed. Of course, I didn't tell him that. I am not crazy yet. (Although I did drag him to the thrift store again this weekend and that wasn't good judgement.)  When we got there I headed straight for the guy with all the old iron pieces for the yard. He has been out there peddling his goods for years. Every weekend he has something a little different. This time he had trailer bed full of small iron items, like plaques of pigs, roosters and devil heads..yes I said devil heads. I thought at first they were like those greek sun faces, but nope, these guys had horns. I think they are old.. Hubby, "that junk ain't old." Me, "yep I guess they are, I saw one of the Planter's Peanut man. Remember him?" A peanut wearing a top hat. Anyway, nothing I coudn't live without, not worth arguing with hubby about. I did see a iron work scroll panel that would be perfect for the side of his shed. The guy wouldn't come down a penny under $40 but that wasn't a bad price but Hubs wasn't convinced. Finally I did talk hubs into getting it. Do you know how hard it is to talk your husband into buying something to pretty up his shed is? He wasn't the happiest in the world but off he went to the car to bring up to load the panel. While he was gone, I saw it.. WOW.. I thought, this thing must be at least $500. She was a beauty, so chic. Reluctantly I asked the guy, "How much for this", while rubbing it like it was a pet or something. The guys granddaugther says to him, "you have to load it up to take home." The guy, "you can take it home for $175 right now." WHAT?? Of course I met hubs at his car door when he pulled up to tell him about the deal. He stared at me for a minute and said, "give the man a check." Are you kidding me? I was having trouble getting him to buy a scroll. Maybe it was a ploy to keep me from hanging something pretty on the shed. But I think it was him just being kind to me. He really is ..

I have wanted an arbor for years. I knew just where I would put it if I ever got one. I recently spied one in the garden center near my home with a hefty price tag on it.. sigh... But today, there she was, in all her glory of chippy paint (probably lead) and a nice patina to boot. I love it more than the one at the garden center.
I think she is a real beauty, rust, missing finials and all. 
The guy selling it to me was like "you can paint it and make it real purty". Are you kidding, I love the paint on it. 
I would really love to know where it came from. I think the next time I get out to the flea market, I will ask him.

She is not sitting where she will end up and I think one panel is on backwards, but we wanted to see how she would look like in the yard. I have to admit, it is so much prettier in my yard than it was at the flea market.  What a great hubby to have! 

Joining the big party


  1. Great find. I love the pale green with the rusty accents! xo,

  2. Wow! You hit the jackpot. What a good deal. Can't wait to see where you put it.

  3. What a wonderful find! The rust and pale green colour is perfect. That is exactly the look I would want to achieve if I bought a brand new one! x Sharon

  4. What a beautiful "score" ... truly, it was meant to be !!

  5. Looks like a great piece Beverly and I'm sure it will give you years of pleasure in your garden. Question???? Where is the picture of the other piece?

  6. What a score! It's wonderful. Dianne

  7. YAY!!! I would love it too, but alas, nowhere in my yard for something so wonderful as that! I hope you put it somewhere you can just sit and stare and enjoy it while sipping your nice cool lemonaid this summer!! ;)

  8. Oh, This is wonderful! What a great find

  9. that is a fantastic find! it is so different than any arbor i've seen. perfect!

  10. Beverly,
    Your arbor is so beautiful. What a deal you got! We just put up a post about our new arbor. It's not nearly as pretty as yours, but we like it.

  11. What a find, love it.It will be beautiful wherever you put it.Maybe if you tell hubby he needs curtains for his shed, he will buy you something else!HA!!

  12. Your new arbor is a real beauty! Looks wonderful in your yard!

  13. Beverly, this is an amazing piece...
    I am inviting you to our weekly party every Wednesday, would luv for you to join us, you will get more visitors to discover your blog :)
    Have a great week,

  14. That looks like it could make the perfect setting for a wedding. We were married under a rustic gazebo 39 years ago!! It's nice that they were cook then and are still cool!!!

  15. It's very beautiful, Beverly! I love all the detail work on it. That is going to look great in your garden. I can just see it surrounded by flowers! What a nice hubby you have. Either that or he figured it would keep you from prettying up his shed. : )

    Visiting from WUW!

  16. Beverly,
    What a beautiful arbor!!! And I just love the story that goes along with it! Your hubby sounds like such a dear! Wish mine was as generous and understanding when it came to pretty purchases! I have really enjoyed my visit here today!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  17. That is a special arbor. I am trying to build one for myself right now as we speak!! I am so jealous that you lucked out with that. I have two salvaged pillars and I want hubs to weld me a metal arch over the top to connect them. I love the shape of your top. Patina is perfect too! Following you now.

  18. Wow! What a great deal. It's beautiful, Beverly and your husband sounds like a sweetheart! glad you got your arbor.

  19. Wowzers! You did good. This is gorgeous!!!
