
Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Ultimate Find

I am so excited to show you my thrift store find! I think this is my best score yet.
Holy smoke, Fostoria Mayflower.. can you believe it? $1.99 a glass. I walked up as a lady was putting 8 goblets in her cart.. but she left 4. Boy two minutes earlier and those babies would have been mine, all 12. 
But, not to worry.. this is what she left behind..
12 liquor glasses.. (I will use them as dessert) Wow stinkin' 12 of them!

As I was gathering them .. another lady comes up and snags all the sherbet glasses. Dang it! I always thought there was a rule of thumb not to reach over anyone.. but that went out the window this morning. Maybe I need to get more aggressive at this? 

So I looked them up on replacement and on eBay.. each of the smaller glasses will cost you around $12 and the larger are $30! I paid $32 for the whole thing.. I cannot believe my luck this morning. Of course I keep thinking if I had only been there a couple of minutes earlier.. The check out person told me I was number 7 that had checked out with a lot of these babies.. who ever owned them must have had 12 of everything that was produced.
Who would get rid of these? My daughter says someone probably cleaned out an attic and never opened the boxes.
Anyway, Fostoria Mayflower was  produced from1939-1955. The design is a basket of flowers and floating garland. I love them!
Thanks for stopping by.. Have blessed week.

Linking to these parties


  1. These are beautiful and a very nice find indeed! I love the delicate print on glassware like this. I guess we HAVE to be "alittle" agressive in the world of junking! Thanks for the post, Linda

  2. They are gorgeous and so delicate. I know what you mean about wishing you'd gotten there a bit earlier... been there.
    Too bad that woman didn't ask if you wanted the others since you were already looking at them. Anyway, thanks for sharing your new finds. Have a nice Sunday.

  3. OH my word, they are fabulous. You really did find a treasure. Beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  4. Beautiful and what a fabulous find...I just love thrift stores!

  5. They are beautiful! I love the design, so delicate. A precious find indeed. I'm your newest follower.:)
    Have a blessed week! ~*~Wendy~*~

  6. WHOO HOO Beverly!! Great score!! Pushy darn people! I'd have told her that "those are mine, I'm taking them ALL!" I have been known to get quite aggressive when it comes to my thrift finds *winks* But what a deal on the ones you could grab up!! Vanna

  7. These are simply gorgeous! Good for you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. How Rude!!! I admire your restraint - it probably would have ended up as a brawl if I were there ;-)

  9. Sweet, sweet find! Too bad about the ones that got away, but what a catch.

  10. Beverly, Just an update. Your cakestand and tablecloth will be mailed tomorrow. I problems finding the right size box. Too funny. Love your treasures. That was about the best find I think I have seen this year. Sorry you did not get a hold on the rest!!! ~~Sherry~~

  11. What a great find!! My son works for Good Will as a mentor for the disabled and it's amazing what people donate...he finds the coolest things...he's really into dishes and stem ware and would love those!

  12. just never know what you will find and where you will find it. I think the big trend now is to de-clutter and stem ware does take up space. Visiting from Marty's. ♥Olive

  13. gorgeous!!! exciting when we get a great find...come on over and enter in to my giveaway...

  14. Wow! What a score. They are truly beautiful. I'll look forward to seeing how you set them up. Thank you for becoming a follower, I look forward to getting to know. hugs ~lynne~

  15. Wow! You really found some beautiful treasure. Good for you girl! Don't you just get that "rush" when you know you have found something that is truly a treasure. Thanks for sharing. And thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment, also becoming a follower. I hope you will come back again. Hugs, Karie

  16. What treasures! Just gorgeous! At least you got to buy some of them and I know you will treasure them :)
    Thanks for coming by my blog and becoming a follower. I am now a follower of yours!

  17. Thanks for visiting my blog...I love what yoy found thrifting is so much fun....that was a great price!

  18. WoW that was a find and how rude of that lady to reach over you.LOL
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  19. Those glasses are beautiful...are they as dainty as they look? Good score!

  20. Thanks so much for stopping by .. I do enjoy reading your comments and paying a visit to your blogs.

  21. Wow Beverly! These are amazing! I would have been holding my breath to see if the lady before was getting all! Terrific find!

  22. WOW!! Those are gorgeous!!!

    And yes, for us non-rude people, it is a rule of thumb to not reach over someone who is clearly buying the pieces. :)
